Our Mission
“To create awareness about sustainability and then make a difference.”
In 2018, Robina State High School launched the Sustainabulls Club, a group of environmentally-minded students who are working with and beyond the school to create a more sustainable future for all.
This Club has been created to align with the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These goals are the Action Plans for the 192 United Nations members to achieve within 2016 - 2030 and consist of 17 goals. There are 169 targets to achieve the goals with the aim of making the world a more sustainable place.
Our Sustainabulls Club participate in events within our community and are also working to develop sustainable practices within our school environment, based on the Sustainable Development Goals.
Here are the goals:

- No Poverty
- Zero Hunger
- Good Health & Well-being
- Quality Education
- Gender Equality
- Clean Water and Sanitation
- Affordable & Clean Energy
- Decent work & Economic Growth
- Industry, Innovation & Infrastructure
- Reduced Inequalities
- Sustainable Cities & Communities
- Responsible Consumption & Production
- Climate Action
- Life Below Water
- Life On Land
- Peace & Justice, Strong Institutions
- Partnerships For The Goals
Why Sustainabulls and not Sustainables? As you may or may not be aware, bulls are stubborn and proud and so are we! We are fighting for what we believe in, even if those around us think it isn’t an issue or simply don’t care. As a group we are proud to say that we do care and are willing to do what is takes to make a difference.

The Sustainabulls Club have tackled the following goals so far:
#1 – Ran a donation drive for the homeless, collecting clothes, food, toiletries and blankets for our homeless community.
#1, #2, #16 – Participated in the Act for Peace Ration Challenge to raise money and awareness for refugees in Syria.
#9 & #11 – Organised a FarmBot to be donated to the school which is being set up with our hospitality department to grow vegetables and herbs sustainably at the school.
#14 & #15 – Participate in regular clean up events in our local community where students collect rubbish to protect our wildlife.
#15 - Baked over 300 cupcakes to sell for the RSPCA Cupcake Day, raising over $680 to support animals in need.
#17 – Made partnerships with our local council who is strongly supporting the Sustainabulls Club. We have also partnered with a local not-for-profit environmental organisation called Sport2Clean who raise environmental awareness through sport.
If you believe you have a way to further support and develop our Sustainabulls Club, please feel free to contact us. If you have a local event or project that you believe could be supported by our Sustainabulls Club, please contact us.