Our Vision: To empower all students to reach their potential in an academically and culturally rich environment. Through innovative and real-world experiences, our students are equipped for success.
Welcome to Robina State High School. I am very proud to be serving the community of Robina as Principal. We are a growing independent public school with excellent facilities, outstanding programs both locally and globally and pride ourselves on strong relationships with our community. We are proud of our school and put the needs and wellbeing of our staff and young people first.

Our vision for 2022 - 2025 is to continue to provide an optimal learning environment where our students are challenged to achieve to the best of their abilities. A refined curriculum that is contextualised to meet the needs of our community, coupled with a relentless pursuit toward high achievement. This ensures our students will be equipped for success in the dynamic, everchanging careers environment.
Our vision commits us to excellence. We believe passionately that every single student can reach their potential. Through hard work and a dedication to learning, students are encouraged to strive for personal excellence.
Robina State High School prides itself on our partnership approach to education, driven by evidence based approaches that are delivered utilising quality assured systems and processes.

We value parents, teachers and students working together through positive, respectful and supportive relationships to develop a mindful, caring and compassionate school community. We have an inclusive approach to responding to individual student learning needs and develop external networks and partnerships accordingly. Robina State High School is known for its 'family feel' and its diversity and international flavour.
In 2024 our priorities and programs are firmly focused on our commitment to educational excellence. Through an emphasis on staff professional learning through quality collegial engagement, a precise school-wide approach to the utilisation of data, a focus on ensuring a guaranteed and viable curriculum as well as developing leadership opportunities for both staff and students, we will continue to ensure our graduates are equipped for success.
I encourage you to stay in regular contact with our school through the various communication platforms available. I look forward to working with the Robina State High School community in 2024.

Benjamin Weeks