Robina State High School opened in January 1996 with an enrolment of approximately 350 Year 8 students. The official opening of the school took place several months later on July 16. Our school quickly developed a reputation for innovative curriculum and a commitment to care.
Our Motto 'Stronger Together’ describes the way the school community works together to build
a positive learning culture.
A strong ethos of mutual trust exists. Teachers work actively to build positive partnerships
with their colleagues, students and parents. The school values of ‘Responsible, Respectful,
Resilient, Ready to Learn’ are the foundation for a supportive school-wide culture and
underpin the school motto ‘Stronger Together’. This is embedded through programs, signage
and activities across the school. Staff members indicate they are happy and committed to
work at the school. A very high retention rate of staff, with a number having long-term
commitment, is apparent. The school presents as calm and orderly with students who are
friendly and polite. Students, parents and staff members’ comments are consistently positive
about the school
Our logo contains a striking image of a Kingfisher and surrounding wetlands which were designed to reflect the original school site. The area has changed significantly since that time, now boasting Robina Town Centre, a thriving hospital and medical centre, a football stadium as well as a key transport hub on the Gold Coast.
Our school grew steadily and in 1999 we introduced our senior schooling program which features flexible delivery over 4 contact days for students in Years 11 and 12. In 2000, we graduated our first senior cohort. In 2015, we welcomed Year 7 students to Robina State High School for the first time.
We are proud of our traditions and the many successful young people who have graduated from Robina State High School and moved into prosperous careers. Many of our alumni still connect with the school in various ways including through avidly following our Facebook page.
Origin of the Kingfisher Logo (PDF, 332KB)

Foundation Staff 1996.

Students taking part in the Opening Ceremony of Robina Town Centre in 1996.
25th Anniversary

In 2021 we celebrated our 25th Anniversary with a small gala event that brought together past students, staff and community members to celebrate all that our school has accomplished over the past 25 years.
Below is a beautiful memeories video that was created for the event and showcased our school through the years.