Opening Hours
Tuesdays & Thursdays 7.30am – 11.30am
Payment Options
Credit card, cash and EFTPOS are all welcome.
07 5562 3414
The P&C Association operates the Uniform Shop.
Robina State High School is a uniform school and all students are required to wear the complete school uniform each day. Students should be fresh, neat and tidy in their uniform at all times. The school uniform supports our school priority of high expectations and creates a positive image of the school in our community.
It is a requirement that students have both formal and sport uniforms. Formal uniform days are Tuesday and Friday.Some practical subjects e.g. Dance, Drama, Health Science may require students to change into relevant attire/sport uniform for the allocated lesson. Teachers will inform parents directly of expected requirements.
Any student that has Sports Academy training in Period 0 classes must change out of their training gear into their formal uniform on a
Tuesday and Thursday.Students are required to wear their formal uniform for all formal occasions including school excursions, ceremonies and any other formal school or public functions.
Robina State High School uniforms are to be worn correctly every day from leaving home until returning home from school.
Purchases of uniforms must be made to the P&C (via the Uniform Store at the side of Admin Building).
Orders can also be placed through FlexiSchools External link.
Limited stationery is available from the Canteen and Kingfisher Kafe.
Junior Uniform

Senior Uniform